To build professional credibility, I decided to bulild my credibility on my future career. I decided that I want to work for Buzzfeed. In the specific screenshots below, I narrowed down my list to for specific jobs in Buzzfeed; First Assistant Director, Studio Teacher, Affiliate Manager, and Director of Compensation. I chose these specific jobs because it pertains to my major of communications and my passion for interpersonal relationships. I decided I would want to set my eyes on living with my career in Los Angles, California, although, the other two jobs in New York are the ones that better suit me. This information that I found was off from a website connected to Buzzfeed called, "Indeed". This is the link provided here is the site I screenshotted the images below.
The first two jobs pertain to Los Angeles in California. The first one is "First Assistant Director" That job consists of someone to have technical skills and strong organizational habits into various forms of content. This job is mainly to design and promote strict adherence to shoot schedules for an upcoming branded production being shot on location in Los Angeles and in New York City. The second one is "Studio Teacher." These are both project based, which means it concentrates on project-to-project of the commercial, advertisment, or etc... The studio teacher mainly concentrates on teaching minors to work on a set of production and requires additonal schooling. Overall, the jobs in Los Angeles are more focused on production of media. These jobs tackle on the media side of communication and interpersonal relationships with the business and the employees.
The jobs in New York City solely focuses on affiliated business partners. I like the idea of being a "Affiliated Manager" because it tackles the interpersonal communication, while maintaining professionalism. The "Director of Compensation" deals with leadership and working with a team and executives from other business in order to make the business grow and better. At the end of the day, these are only recent jobs available for this period of time and could change in the next ten years or so. Ultimately, I was able to get into contact with the company to follow their media accounts and subscribe to Buzzfeed's daily job slots to my email to get the lastest update on the job opportunites they put out to the public. In my perspective, doing this researcher helps me build my credibility of my career of what I want to pursue.