I went to my eP tutor appointment on September 14th, 2021. I decided to focus my eP curation on mobile optimization. Beforehand, I just updated my resume and I added in my internship with The Meridian Group as a public relations intern. I turned my resume tab and when you click on it, it will take you to my resume as a PDF file on a different window. On my part alone, I felt like I haven't changed much on my eP because I already feel the content of what it looks like now.
I briefly changed the font size in the mobile version from 17 to 16. Then I went to my eP appointment with Ashanti at the student success center on the second floor where the eP tutor office was at. We checked out the mobile version together and everything looked good, although when we went to the course projects tab and I had to rearrange a few things. I rearrange how it looked like before to make more space between each project. This created more organization and neatness within my eP. Other than that, Ashanti told me that my eP looks great and she loved the animation I put within my eP. Overall, I had a good experience with the eP tutor and my curation process.
Before this semester started, I tried to plan out my work-life schedule with google sheets. I am currently taking four classes, an internship, and work. Luckily, I was able to manage my time and plan out my day. My days are packed in together, but I made sure that I have time to myself, to work on my schoolwork, take a nap, go to the gym, and have social time. I am also involved with the Filipino American Student Association at Old Dominion University. I believe that planning things out ahead of time can help you feel less stress and you will know what you will be getting into.
Now that I am in my third week of school, I am getting adjusted to my new schedule. I don't feel too stressed right now and I am getting my schoolwork done ahead of time for the next week. I was able to have a day off on the weekend to catch up on schoolwork, relax, and spend time with family. With the COVID-19 delta going around, I feel nothing much has changed to mess up my work-life. It is more of a new adjustment since ODU is "back to normal" and I am happy that I can see my friends again. As long as I stick to my schedule and be persistent, I will be content with how my life is right now.